Training and Group Coaching

Personal Development for Better Communication

Are you ready to become a confident, kind and honest communicator?

As a Christian professional or entrepreneur you worked so hard to obtain the level of success you are experiencing now. 

You gained knowledge, qualifications, diplomas, experience, and you developed many skills, some of them at a high level of performance. 

Now, there is one area that you would like to bring up to a level of excellence: communication.  

In order to bring your communication skills to a level of excellence, you know that you need not only the “right words”, you also need to become the kind of person who communicates out of love, courage, confidence, care, compassion, integrity, and mutual respect. 

Maybe you already paid a big price for staying quiet or saying what others wanted to hear. 

Or maybe you already paid a big price for talking without really listening and trying to understand the other person, so you can speak with care, compassion. 

You lost not only opportunities for making a difference, advancing your career or business, but you also missed opportunities to authentically connect with people at a deeper level. 

More than all those, you feel like many times you haven’t been true to yourself… and to God’s truth. 

If the above attributes describe you, then I have good news:

You can develop the Biblical mindset, the character traits and the skills that will enable you to communicate courageously, honestly and compassionately.

Let me introduce:

Personal Development for Better Communication

A 12 week coaching program that will help you become the kind of communicator you always wanted to be.

This is a transformational, practical group coaching program where together with 9 like-minded Christians you’ll do the inner work (letting your heart and mind be transformed by God) and the external work (practice communication skills with your colleagues and with people in your life) for becoming an effective, confident, kind and honest communicator.

During the program, you will learn to:

  • courageously initiate conversation that matters

  • share your beliefs, opinions, perspectives from a place of humble confidence, calmness, kindness, and courage

  • speak up when someone hurts you or tries to silence you

  • reflect back what you hear, check your understanding, ask powerful questions and share perspectives that can help people have mindset shifts 

  • dare to encourage and challenge people so they can grow

  • ask gracefully and honestly for what you need and want 

  • have disagreements with elegance and goodness

  • have healthy conflicts with calm, care, truth and wisdom

  • set boundaries and say “No” without guilt  

Here’s what you get in Personal Development for Better Communication


  • Training live with Q&A (bi-weekly) with information from the fields of theology, neuroscience and positive psychology to help you better understand what enables you to grow as a Christian and as a communicator

  • Group coaching calls (bi-weekly) to help you overcome your mental roadblocks and have the mindset shifts that will enable you to take action

  • Worksheets and other tools to help you make progress and increase your self-awareness

  • One individual 60-minute coaching session when you most need it during the program, to help you identify roadblocks, have mindset shifts and clarify the next step you need to take

  • Access to our Facebook group for encouragement and support from me and other like-minded people in the program.

Schedule a 30-minute call so we can have the opportunity to know each other, and you can ask me any additional questions you might have. 

What is your financial investment?

One payment of $445 paid at the beginning of the program.

Or you can opt for 3 monthly payments of $155, paid at the beginning of each month of the program.

What is your time investment?

The group coaching program starts on February 23, 2023 and ends on May 18, 2023.

You need to set aside:

  • One hour per week for our calls. We have bi-weekly live training with Q&A (on Thursdays at 9 am Pacific Time/Noon Eastern Time) and bi-weekly group coaching calls (Saturdays at 9 am Pacific Time/Noon Eastern Time).

    One hour for individual coaching session, scheduled by you when you most need encouragement and support to overcome roadblocks and take challenging actions towards fulfilling your vision.

  • As much time as you want to invest to read the materials, reflect on the questions and practice new behaviors.

  • While participation in the Facebook community isn't mandatory, the feedback you give and receive there will help you change and grow faster!

Money Back Guarantee

I want you to be 100% delighted with the information and the support for implementation that you receive in my coaching program. If you attend the sessions and do the work, and you still aren’t satisfied, I am more than happy to refund 100% of your payment anytime within the first 14 days of the program.

Apply for this program by scheduling a 30-minute free discovery call with me so we’ll have the opportunity to get to know each other a bit and you can decide if this program is what you need.

“Working with Daniela in a group environment became the beginning of meaningful transformations in my life. If you are as shy as I was, working in a group and being open with others is difficult. But Daniela helped me start interacting with people from the group and in my life from a new position and perspective: God’s beloved child, valuable yet imperfect – just as valuable and imperfect as the others are. From that position it was easier to learn to ask for what I need in my relationship with my husband and other people, to set boundaries in relationships with adults and also with my children. Initially, other people were not comfortable with my transformation, but now they can see it’s beneficial for them and for me.”

- Maria, Romania

Who is your coach?

Hi, there! I’m Daniela.

I’m an accredited life coach, and a certified social and emotional intelligence coach, and I love my profession!  

I help Christian professionals and entrepreneurs to develop the character traits, the skills and the habits that help them thrive at work and at home, and realize God’s purpose for their lives.

As your coach, I’m your thinking partner and I like that because I believe there is so much power in our thoughts and in our conversations. 

I love to help my clients:

  • see their mental roadblocks while being aware of their strengths, 

  • keep their eyes on their vision while taking the next step

  • think clearly and Biblically 

  • change and expand their perspectives with God’s perspective 

  • have the mindset shifts that encourage them to take the next step with more trust in God

  • feel empowered to take courageous, consistent action

  • change their life for the better  

I’m not an expert, consultant, strategist, healer or fixer. I’ll help you find your own resources and your own solutions, I’ll remind you about your vision, aspirations and values so you can overcome your challenges, achieve your own goals and become a better person. 

How long are the doors open to join the program?

The doors are opening for registration on February 10, 2023 and we officially kick off the program on February 23, 2023.

I have another question that isn’t listed!

Please send an email to and I’ll be happy to answer it!

Or, even better, schedule a free call!

If you are not familiar with coaching, check out the article on my blog “What Is Coaching and What Are Its Benefits?”


This is not a program about public speaking. 

Although it might help you a bit with that, too, because when you renew your mindset, develop your character and your people skills, you improve your confidence as a communicator in general. Still, the focus of this coaching program is not public speaking, but communication skills in personal and professional relationships.